Star Trek Discovery “Jinaal”

Darrell & comic artist JK Woodward are continuing their coverage of the final season of Star Trek Discovery with episode 3 titled “Jinaal” On Trill, Captain Burnham, Book, and Culber must pass a dangerous test to prove themselves worthy of the next clue. Adira reconnects with Gray and Saru’s first day as ambassador is complicated…

Darrell & comic artist JK Woodward are continuing their coverage of the final season of Star Trek Discovery with episode 3 titled “Jinaal”

On Trill, Captain Burnham, Book, and Culber must pass a dangerous test to prove themselves worthy of the next clue. Adira reconnects with Gray and Saru’s first day as ambassador is complicated by his engagement to T’Rina.

You can email us your thoughts on this season by phasering those emails to 

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